Web Front-end

Showing 8-14 of 275 results


Demystifying Debugging With React Developer Tools

Browser console logging is a hassle. Discover how React Developer Tools and third-party libraries make inspecting components, states, and props and tracking rendering and performance so much easier.

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Teimur Gasanov

Teimur Gasanov

Teimur is a senior front-end engineer and React expert with wide-ranging web development experience at companies including Klarna and Clubhouse (now Shortcut).

Kotlin vs. Java: All-purpose Uses and Android Apps

Kotlin and Java are two powerful general-purpose languages popular for Android and beyond. We’ll discuss their top features and differences, then focus on how to smoothly transition between the two.

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Gabriel Gircenko

Gabriel Gircenko

Gabriel is a senior Android engineer with eight years of experience building apps from scratch in Kotlin and Java, and facilitating conversions between the two languages. Gabriel has worked on multimillion-dollar apps and has industry experience at companies like HBO and Yahoo.

Investing in Unit Testing: Benefits and Approaches

Stakeholders demand quick fixes for a buggy app release. Such patching is costly, and does not always offer a complete solution. Break the cycle with unit testing, a worthwhile investment in project quality.

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Dacian Florea

Dacian Florea

Dacian is a senior full-stack mobile applications developer and a contributor to the Flutter framework. He specializes in rigorous testing solutions that help companies around the world design and deliver quality software applications.

Building Simple and Efficient Components With React-Bootstrap

Mobile web traffic is booming, making responsive website development more important than ever. Leverage the power of two popular technologies with the React-Bootstrap library for performant, responsive components.

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Matej Bilić

Matej Bilić

Matej is a full-stack developer with expertise across a variety of back-end and web technologies, including React, React Native, Bootstrap, and Django. He specializes in advanced web applications and built a global, bilingual travel and tourism app using React and React Native.

Heavy Computation Made Lighter: React Memoization

Unnecessary component computation drastically reduces application performance. Avoid this pitfall by using React memoization hooks and render component caching.

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Prateek Karki

Prateek Karki

Prateek is a React engineer with more than seven years of experience in web development. An expert in delivering top-tier user experience through the union of engineering and design, he has worked on enterprise-scale solutions in diverse industries including Fresh Tracks Canada and Open Learning Exchange.

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React Router Tutorial: Redirect Like a Pro

Naive React routing increases risk and maintenance. This tutorial provides a full exploration of routing approaches, achieving an elegant solution that seamlessly fits into any React code base.

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Nathan Babcock

Nathan Babcock

Nathan is a front-end and full-stack developer, and an expert in streamlining UI/UX with React. As the lead design engineer at Motorola Solutions, he marshaled an internal product that included React, Angular, Svelte, and native web components from prototype to corporatewide deployment—garnering more than 100,000 downloads.

Unit Testing in Flutter: From Workflow Essentials to Complex Scenarios

Incorporate comprehensive unit testing into your Flutter project to ensure best practices and reduce bugs before—not after—the app’s release.

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Dacian Florea

Dacian Florea

Dacian is a senior full-stack mobile applications developer, a Flutter expert, and a contributor to the Flutter framework. He helps companies around the world design and implement quality software solutions and deliver excellent user experiences.

Toptal Engineering Expert

Gabriel Courtemanche

Gabriel is a highly efficient and reliable professional who possesses a broad skill set for web application development. He's been working on a range of products and clients—from working on scalability problems in production engineering teams at Shopify and Autodesk to launching new applications for startups. Most of his work consists of leading technical teams, by creating an easy development environment, fixing technical debts, providing best practices code examples, and mentoring devs.
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