Viktor Vincze, Developer in Büdlich, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Viktor is available for hire
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Viktor Vincze

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Architect and Developer

Büdlich, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Toptal Member Since
March 22, 2022

Viktor is a skilled software architect with 10 years of expertise in front-end ecosystems. Since 2016, he has focused on creating superior React applications for high-traffic services using leading-edge solutions. As a professional committed to excellence, Viktor welcomes opportunities to work on projects where innovation aligns with stakeholder objectives. Over the past decade, he specialized in the front-end ecosystem. He is also comfortable with full stack working in full-stack environments.


React, Node.js, Storybook, Figma, Next.js, Front-end, GitHub...
Docler Holding SARL - Luxembourg
JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, Docker, React, Backbone.js, Riot.js, GraphQL...
Docler Holding - Amsterdam
JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, Docker, React, Backbone.js, Riot.js, GraphQL...




Preferred Environment

Windows, IntelliJ IDEA, Docker, React, Node.js, TypeScript, Bun

The most amazing...

...thing I've developed and managed was a Hungarian Top 10 website, a single-page application (SPA) built 10 years ago.

Work Experience

React/Node.js Developer

2022 - 2023
  • Created a completely new in-house UI component library that unifies several different brands or projects from a single codebase.
  • Wrote a fully automated codemod that helps different projects migrate to the new UI library. It does 98% of the work that otherwise would take months.
  • Built a Monaco Editor-based online playground that lets developers play with components in real-time on their browser, helping them reproduce issues and supporting them with the ability to share their creations.
  • Successfully investigated performance issues in the AWS Lambda-based rendering pipeline.
  • Implemented theming using design tokens for five different projects.
Technologies: React, Node.js, Storybook, Figma, Next.js, Front-end, GitHub, User Interface (UI), TypeScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Full-stack, Webpack, Vite, Jest, Testing, CSS3, Data Visualization, Tailwind CSS, Front-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, CSS, SEO Tools, SCSS

Front-end Software Architect

2018 - 2022
Docler Holding SARL - Luxembourg
  • Created in-house developer tools and design systems.
  • Introduced modern architectural solutions and changes to old and new systems.
  • Initiated a shared interoperable component ecosystem across codebases with different stacks.
  • Used custom tools and leveraged pre-built Docker images to improve a CI/CD pipeline.
  • Participated in research and development tasks driven by new initiatives.
  • Defined global, company-wide standards for front-end developers.
  • Concluded over 100 interviews with positive feedback from candidates about the process.
  • Built an internal portal for front-end developers—featuring the latest news, a package browser with documentation, changelog history, and a Storybook playground—and an online version of our front-end cookbook.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, Docker, React, Backbone.js, Riot.js, GraphQL, React Apollo, Redux, Webpack, Storybook, Interviewing, Front-end, GitHub, User Interface (UI), TypeScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Full-stack, HTML, CSS, Linux, Bash, MySQL, Jest, Enzyme, Cypress, CSS3, Data Visualization, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Front-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, SEO Tools, SCSS

Senior Front-end Developer

2017 - 2018
Docler Holding - Amsterdam
  • Participated in research and development tasks driven by new initiatives.
  • Developed a custom, in-house test automation suite.
  • Helped establish operations for a new office in a new country for the company.
  • Developed a complex, JSON-based form solution that took care of form generation for the client and validation on both back-end and client side.
  • Joined the local R&D team, where we defined company-wide standards.
  • Delivered an in-house test automation suite for the company's QA engineers, where they could run, schedule, edit, and analyze test results in a single place for several different projects and testing solutions.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, Docker, React, Backbone.js, Riot.js, GraphQL, React Apollo, Redux, Webpack, Storybook, Interviewing, Front-end, GitHub, User Interface (UI), TypeScript, Full-stack, Jest, Enzyme, HTML, CSS, CSS3, Data Visualization, Front-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, SEO Tools, SCSS

Senior Front-end Developer

2014 - 2017
Docler Holding SARL - Luxembourg
  • Worked on the multi-tenant administration interface designed for the company's models, called ModelCenter.
  • Introduced advanced styling solutions that aligned with the ever-growing complexity of ModelCenter.
  • Created a responsive, mobile-optimized version of ModelCenter.
  • Introduced a modern, client-side templating solution.
  • Led the front-end department of the team with 4-6 developers.
  • Developed an in-house icon management solution for all the projects.
Technologies: Adobe Photoshop, JavaScript, Adobe Illustrator, SVG, Jest, Enzyme, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, React, Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Riot.js, Ext JS, React Apollo, GraphQL, Storybook, Interviewing, Redux, Webpack, Front-end, GitHub, User Interface (UI), TypeScript, Full-stack, Linux, Bash, Polymer, Web Components, CSS3, Data Visualization, Front-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, SEO Tools, SCSS

Specialist Front-end Developer

2013 - 2014
Docler Holding - Budapest
  • Joined the team and cleared up 100+ front-end bug tickets from the project's backlog in my first week.
  • Implemented new features and design changes on a legacy project.
  • Introduced performance improvements by modernizing the front-end stack and development environments.
Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Adobe Photoshop, jQuery, Ext JS, Linux, Bash, MySQL, Subversion (SVN), CSS3, Front-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, SEO Tools, SCSS

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

2008 - 2013
DarkTech Labs Kft.
  • Created Hungary's Top 10 most visited website with over 1.1 million registered users and 250,000 daily visitors in the country with two million people with internet access at the time.
  • Used a self-made PHP and MySQL framework, a content management system (CMS), and ExpressionEngine (EE) with a jQuery-based, fully Ajax, SPA front end considered cutting-edge at the time.
  • Provided privately managed web-hosting solutions for clients.
Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, ExpressionEngine, MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Front-end, User Interface (UI), Full-stack, CSS3, Front-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, CSS, SEO Tools

Full-stack Developer

2004 - 2013
  • Worked as a self-employed contractor alongside my business projects building custom websites or redesigning websites.
  • Developed and maintained products for the Envato marketplaces, HTML and WordPress templates for ThemeForest, WordPress plugins, PHP scripts, and jQuery plugins for CodeCanyon.
  • Provided consultations, review services, and technical analyses for companies' third-party software deliveries.
Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, Linux, MySQL, Front-end, User Interface (UI), Full-stack, CSS3, Front-end Development, CSS, SEO Tools

Full-stack Engineer

2006 - 2009
MadeUnder Media Kft.
  • Developed and maintained forum-engine-based applications with custom theming and functionalities.
  • Performed system administrator responsibilities, overseeing the management of HTTP, MySQL, email, and load-balancing servers.
  • Implemented Photoshop-based designs for the community portals.
Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Linux, Bash, Adobe Photoshop, vBulletin, InVision, MySQL, MySQL Server, CSS3, Front-end Development
A Next.js-based web app based on my own Spotify playlist collection. I created it only for fun. I wanted to play around with Next.js's built-in fetch cache feature. The source code is freely available on GitHub.


I helped build a standardized framework-agnostic UI library shared across projects and supported the migration by making automated tools and code mods. The library also provides a React-based implementation for consumers.

Collaborating closely with designers, we delivered a UI pipeline that can automatically synchronize with a Figma-defined design system.

LiveJasmin is a leading adult streaming service worldwide. Working here for the last nine years led me to participate in several subprojects besides the company's flagship product, such as Model Center, Docler Mainstream, Jasmin, Whitelabel projects, and Adult Webmaster Empire.

YouEye is a single-component UI toolbox for React that leverages prop-based styling and static and dynamic extraction using Babel. It also eliminates many problems or friction that traditional CSS or Sass solutions suffer from.

Mhy Toolbox and Development Environment
As a zero-config, out-of-the-box, multi-purpose toolbox and development environment, mhy is my "Swiss army knife" for everyday development. I incorporated all my day-to-day tools in one global package to avoid bootstrapping and setups and save some disk space from node_modules. It makes webpack, Babel, SWC, Jest, and Storybook work with the same out-of-the-box configuration.

CCSS is a simple CSS object toolbox that adds shorthand support for the complete CSS specification. It can declare custom props and value maps for any property, making it a perfect weapon to deliver customizable design systems and CSS-in-JS solutions. YouEye was built using CCSS.


JavaScript, Sass, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, CSS3, SCSS, PHP, GraphQL, SQL, TypeScript 3, Bash, C++


Redux, Tailwind CSS, React Native, Express.js, Jest, Next.js, Ext JS, Cypress


React, Node.js, jQuery, Riot.js, REST APIs, Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Polymer, Spotify API


IntelliJ IDEA, Webpack, Babel, React Apollo, Git, Adobe Photoshop, NGINX, Atlassian Suite, GitHub, Adobe Illustrator, Expo, Lerna, Figma, Subversion (SVN), InVision


Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment, Testing


Windows, Docker, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), vBulletin, Vercel


ExpressionEngine, Ajax, Storybook, Interviewing, CSS-in-JS, YouEye, CCSS, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Responsive Design, Design Systems, Front-end, User Interface (UI), Full-stack, Front-end Development, CI/CD Pipelines, Web Components, SWC, SEO Tools, Enzyme, Cordova, PWA, Bun, Mathematics, Web Development, SVG, Vite, Data Visualization


MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, MySQL Server

2011 - 2013

Certification in Web Developer

LIA School - Budapest, Hungary

2009 - 2011

Coursework Toward Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science

University of Pecs - Pecs, Hungary

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